Design guide for composite highway bridges
Composite construction, using a reinforced concrete slab on top of steel girders, is an economical and popular form of construction for highway bridges.
This book covers the design of continuous composite bridges, with both compact and non-compact sections, and simply supported composite bridges with the ‘slab-on-beam’ form of construction.
Part One provides advice on the general considerations for design, the initial design process, and the verification of structural adequacy in accordance with BS 5400. The determination of design forces throughout the slab is described, and key features relating to slab design are identified. Advice on structural detailing is also given.
Part Two provides worked examples for a four-span bridge, three-span bridge and for the deck slab of a simply supported bridge. Each example is presented as a series of calculation sheets, with accompanying commentary and advice given on facing pages.
Design Guide for Composite Highway Bridges is a compilation of guidance previously given in separate SCI publications. As such it will act as an authoritative guide for new designers and as a reference text for the bridge design office.
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